
The First Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference in Finland Held in Helsinki (Photo)

( On December 4, the first Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference in Finland was held in Helsinki.


The conference

Anna talked about how she cooperated with fellow practitioners and let go of attachments when promoting Shen Yun. She said: “I had been stuck at one level for a long time, and ran into a lot of interference, which almost made me give up cultivation. Master arranged a chance for me to promote Shen Yun in Belgium. During this process, I learned a lot. I needed to cooperate with other practitioners, and learned to let go of attachments to self. My xinxing greatly improved.”

Ms. Jin shared in her talk that she had been in a car accident. Although she believed Master protected her from harm, she also felt that the incident happened as a result of shortcomings in her cultivation. When she looked inward, she found that she was not focused when reading the Fa and doing the exercises.

More than 10 practitioners presented experience-sharing articles. The conference ended at 5:20 p.m.

Posting date: 12/14/2011
Category: Experience Sharing Conferences
Chinese version available at芬兰首届法会在赫尔辛基召开(图)-250351.html


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