Frankfurt, Germany: Protesting the Persecution in Front of the Chinese Consulate's New Location

By a practitioner in Germany

( The Chinese Consulate, originally located in central Frankfurt, Germany, moved south of the city on August 3, 2011. Practitioners held a peaceful protest in front of the consulate's new address that day, by performing the Falun Gong exercises for ten hours accompanied by gentle music. Practitioners have held activities protesting the persecution in front of the Chinese Consulate on Fridays for quite some time.

According to practitioners, the Chinese Consulate officials have been hostile towards practitioners protesting in front of the consulate. They have even defamed, threatened, and intimidated the practitioners. Ms. Chen Rong is one of the practitioners who has participated in the protest on Fridays. She had her passport impounded for a year at the consulate when she submitted an application for renewal in March 2009, and her application for a new passport was also rejected, which has brought much trouble and inconvenience to her life. Even so, practitioners still treat the consulate staff with kindness. One practitioner said, “We don't resent or hold hostility toward the officials working in the consulate. We have kindly provided opportunities for them and people who haven't become aware of the true situation, in hopes that they can learn to tell right from wrong, learn the facts, and dispel the hatred resulting from the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) lies and propaganda.”

A practitioner who works in the financial circle in Frankfurt said, “Li Haiyan, then-Consul General of the Chinese Consulate in Frankfurt, had actively participated in the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners and spared no effort in interfering with the Shen Yun performances in Frankfurt. It was learned that he has died of brain cancer. We sincerely hope that consulate staff members will not assist in doing evil, and be truly wise people who heed heaven's principles, break free from the CCP, and as a result gain bright futures for themselves.”

During his term, Li Haiyan, then-Consul General of the Chinese Consulate in Frankfurt, had actively implemented the CCP's policies in persecuting Falun Gong practitioners outside of China. In attempts to prevent Shen Yun from performing in Frankfurt, he sent letters to local government leaders and foreign Consulates, denigrating Shen Yun Performing Arts in the form of a state diplomatic letter. In September 2009, he suddenly returned to China, without even holding a going-away party. It was learned recently that he had contracted brain cancer and his condition quickly worsened. He died shortly after at age of about 50.

It has been 12 years since the CCP started the persecution of Falun Gong. The Chinese Consulate officials have been changed one batch after another, and its address has also been changed several times. The CCP's persecution of Falun Gong has not stopped and the tactics used in persecuting practitioners outside of China have frequently changed. Practitioner Eckbert, coordinator of this protest said, “Even though the Chinese Consulate officials make things difficult for us, our Friday protest in front of the Chinese Consulate won't stop.”

Posting date: 8/11/2011
Category: Rallies and Protests
Chinese version available at法兰克福中领馆新址前抗议中共迫害(图)-245139.html


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