Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Wang Hongfa Sent to Brainwashing Center after Term of Detention Ends

By a Clearwisdom correspondent from Guangzhou Province

(Clearwisdom.net) On February 1, 2011, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wang Hongfa from Guangzhou was detained for fifteen days without cause by the Haizhu District 610 Office and domestic security team. On February 15, when the detention period ended, the authorities still kept him detained. Mr. Wang Hongfa was then directly sent to the brainwashing center located in the Tangang Forced Labor Camp in Caitou, Guangzhou City.

On that day, Mr. Wang’s wife Deng Yi went with their 10-year-old daughter in the rain to the detention center at 8:00 a.m. to bring her husband home. At 8:50 a.m., policeman Chen Jianhua of the Jiangnanzhong Street police station, in addition to Liu Guoqiang, Xu Xianmei and Lin Chuangzhou (personnel in charge of the Falun Gong issue from the Wanshou residence committee on Jiangnanzhong street), barged into the detention center and took Mr. Wang away. In order to facilitate this abduction, they first transferred Mr. Wang to the detention center next door. Looking at her father, who was unshaved and weak-looking walk out of the prison door, Wang’s daughter cried loudly. She shouted, “Father!” Mr. Wang ran outside and refused to get into the van. When they were at the door, Chen Jianhua pounced on Mr. Wang and pushed him to the floor. Mr. Wang’s personal belongings were scattered all over the floor. Thereafter, Deng Yi counted the items and realized that Mr. Wang’s cell phone was missing. An MP4 player and USB drive were also taken away.

The scene was chaotic. As the family members insisted on bringing Mr. Wang home and the crowd had gathered to watch, the police were not able to take him away initially. One hour later, they had two police cars, three policewomen, six policemen and ten other plainclothes police officers on the scene. In the end, Mr. Wang was abducted, dragged into Chen Jianhua’s van and taken away.

At the same time, they tried to trick the mother and daughter to get into the van, but they refused. On their way home, they were tailed by a few cars and plainclothes policemen. From that day onwards, the police station sent two individuals to tail Deng Yi and her relatives to intimidate them. Due to persecution from the CCP, Deng Yi could not have a stable job. Mr. Wang’s teaching job at the community college in Guangzhou will not be kept for him. We urge righteous people overseas to give a helping hand and stop this persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.

Persons involved in the persecution:
Li, in his fifties, Haizhu District domestic security team head
Jianganzhong street police station: 86-20-84233314, 83117737, 84233345
Chen Jianhua (policeman of Jianganzhong street police station): 86-13711181803, 86-13580543210
Chen Fengjuan (head of Wanshou residence committee): 86-13660728812
Tan Yi (personnel in charge of Falun Gong issues): 86-13622281083
Legal department of Jiangnanzhong Street: 86-20-84231692, 86-20-84231822
Politics and legal office of Haizhu District: 86-20-89088152

Posting date: 3/6/2011
Category: Persecution Accounts - First-hand
Chinese version available at


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